KIND is an international award-winning design agency rooted in Scandinavian aesthetics. We’ve grown as a company over two decades and work globally from our offices in Copenhagen and Milano. We specialize in design solutions for retail, hospitality, and brand identity.

KIND is not only our work; it’s our way living. We treat all clients as cherished guests visiting our home. We invest ourselves in all meetings and maintain a sensuous and vibrant workshop feel in our offices. We take our time preparing and listening and make sure that you only leave with precise and tailor-made suggestions and solutions. 

Our KIND methodology is centered on the client. This is where we begin and end. With a deep respect for every client choosing to entrust us with work. With a profound interest in the human meeting and experience. It may sound old-fashioned, but we believe it’s the future of design.

KIND is managed by founding partners Thomas Jensen and Angelina Josefsen. Thomas and Angelina have built a life, family, and shared ethic on the values and principles found at KIND. They’ve come to find that this blending of work and life not only makes them better designers but also more loving, caring, and joyful people. The Japanese call this blending “ikigai”; Thomas and Angelina simply call it KIND.

We’d be happy to hear from you and discuss your design challenge. Please reach out to us by phone, email or the contact form found here.